Z DZIAŁALNOŚCI ADMINISTRACJI GEOLOGICZNEJ Pobór i przekazywanie próbek geologicznych w nowelizacji ustawy Prawo geologiczne i górnicze

Krzysztof Kowalik, Krzysztof Jackowski


On collecting and transferring of geological samples in the amendment of Geological and Mining Law of July 11, 2014.
A b s t r a c t: Geological samples (including core samples) are an important part of the geological information. They are transferred to the state geological service by the concession holder as part of his obligations under the concession for prospecting and exploration of mineral resources. The efficient system of collecting and transferring the samples to the competent authorities is crucial both in terms of revenue of the Treasury and the proper conduct of geological policy. Therefore the whole procedure requires a particularly prudent regulation. The article examines the provisions of the current law in this field and presents new regulations
laid down in the amendment of Geological and Mining law entering into force on 1 January 2015, with an emphasis on the question of geological samples in the concession for prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons.

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