Specyfika warunków hydrogeologicznych w obszarach górskich na przykładzie zlewni Brennicy (powiat cieszyński)
The specificity of hydrogeological conditions in mountainous areas a case study of the Brennica river basin (Cieszyn district).A b s t r a c t. The article presents the different hydrogeological conditions and describes the water and sewage system in the Brennica river basin (about 82 km2). In this region, the Quaternary and Cretaceous aquifers, influence the groundwater supply. Hydrogeological mapping of the area was carried out in July 2012. During fieldworks 179 hand-dug wells were inventoried, in which depths to the groundwater level, pH and electrolytic conductivity of water were measured. In the next step the results of the fieldwork were verified and marked on the digital topographic map of the study area. Interpolation and extrapolation methods were used to transform point data to spatial data. As a consequence of the research, a contour map of the first groundwater level was constructed. In order to make the map readable, variable intervals of contour lines were used. The water table in the highland river basins occurs at very small depths on the hilltops and intersects the land surface in the valleys. It is contiguous with the upper surface of streams and swamps. Groundwater flow systems in the region are generally small and the aquifer boundaries are coincident with surface water divides. There is no regional ground water flow system. The groundwater is relatively vulnerable to pollution.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia