Związki siarki w biogazie oraz w wodach podziemnych wokół zrekultywowanego składowiska odpadów komunalnych w Otwocku


  • Dorota Porowska


Sulfur compounds in biogas and groundwater around a reclaimed municipal landfill in Otwock.A b s t r a c t. The research was conducted around the Otwock landfill, located on the suburb of Otwock, some 25 km south-west of Warsaw. The objective of this study was to identify the sulfate concentration in groundwater around the municipal landfill and the hydrogen sulfide content in landfill gas. Obtained data indicated that the hydrogen sulfide content within the Otwock landfill was different with time and very dependent on the changes in moisture content. The sulfate concentrations were independent on the sampling site and similar values (ranged from 42 to 110 mg/dm3) were found in both the leachate-contaminated groundwater and natural water. It is observed that the sulfate distribution differs from that of other constituents and is different in each sampling season, depending on climatic and hydrogeological conditions (precipitation and groundwater table elevation).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia