Pozycja stratygraficzna formacji łupków z Widełek w synklinie bardziańskiej (Góry Świętokrzyskie)


  • Jan Malec


Stratigraphical position of the Widełki Formation in the Bardo Syncline (Holy Cross Mts.).A b s t r a c t. Results of the geological studies carried out in the western part of the Bardo Syncline have revealed the wrong stratigraphic position of the Silurian Widełki Formation, established by Stupnicka et al. (1991) in the Widełki area. This lithostratigraphic unit does not represent the youngest Silurian deposits overlying the greywackes of the Niewachlów Beds in the Kielce region of the Holy Cross Mts. In fact, the claystones with graptolites of the Widełki Formation underlie the greywackes of the Niewachlów Beds and belong to the upper part of the Prągowiec Beds.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia