Wybrane systemy monitorujące obwałowania przeciwpowodziowe
Selected levee monitoring systems.A b s t r a c t. Computer measuring systems based on a net a of sensors, which register selected physical parameters, could be employed to support the flood hazard management. Such systems were developed as a part of scientific projects in Denmark (IJkDijk/Macrostability) and Holland (IJkDijk Piping). The Computer System for Monitoring Levees (ISMOP) is now being contructed in Poland. For experiment purposes a reservoir comprising of two 208-metre, interconnected segments of a levee (58 m × 4.5 m, width × height) will be build. In the area of the levee there will be installed 35 sensors to measure the changes of pore water pressure, temperature, vertical strains, levels of a water table and displacements within the levee's body. Furthermore, the levee's strains will be monitored by means of standard geodetic methods and a ground-based, long-range interferometric radar (IBIS-L). The levee will also be monitored by an equipment for measuring electric resistance in the ground and a thermographic camera. An analysis of information obtained by sensors will allow for establishing an optimal method for cost-effective and successful determination of the levees' conditions during the flood and also after its appearance.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia