Geologiczno-inżynierska ocena zwietrzelin gliniastych z południowej Polski
Engineering geological assessment of weathered rocks from southern Poland.A b s t r a c t. Weathered rocks occur in Poland e. g. on Lubelszczyzna and Holy Cross Mountains area, in JuraKrakowsko-Częstochowska region, on Eastern Carpatian flysch and granitoids outcrops in Sudets Mountains.Weathered rocks are often foundation and therefore are subject of thorough and detailed geological and engineering studies. Field CPTU and FVT tests and physical laboratory research were conducted on weathered limestone from Zawiercie and sandstone from Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. These soils were classified as V and VI zone of weathering rock profile. Geomechanical parameters obtained from penetrations and laboratory tests shows a large variation what can be related to variability of their structure and lithology type in each zone of weathering rock profile. This property can give difficulties in formulating engineering and geological properties and delineate geotechnical zones.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia