Wpływ cech strukturalnych piaskowców fliszowych z Mucharza (Beskid Mały) na procesy pękania w warunkach jednoosiowego ściskania
The influence of the structural features in the Krosno Sandstones of Mucharz (Little Beskids) on fracture processes under uniaxial compression conditions.A b s t r a c t. The fracture processes of the Krosno Sandstones of Mucharz, southern Poland, were analysed to determine its relation to orientation of the structural features of the rock. The research putted focused estimating influence of characteristic structural features of the rock (arrangement of laminations plane and direction of arrangement of grains). In the initial stage of research, ultrasonic longitudinal wave propagation speed (Vp) tests were carried out on samples flysch sandstones. The results of the tests were analysed to determine effects of characteristic structural features of the rock on obtained values of longitudinal wave propagation speed (Vp), using on variability of obtained results depending on orientation of mineral elements. In the second part of the study, the point load test was used to determine rock strength under uniaxial compression conditions. In order to estimate uniaxial compressive strength, index-to-strength conversion factors were used. The point load test apparatus and procedure enables economical testing ofrock samples in either a field or laboratory setting. Last part of the research was application of computer methods enabled to show technique of analysis microscopic images of the thin – section flysch sandstones samples, tested on point load tests and filled with a staining substance. The study elucidated the structural controls of the fracture processes of the flysch sandstones from Gorka – Mucharz quarry.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia