Możliwości oceny stanu technicznego wałów przeciwpowodziowych na podstawie badań geofizyki inżynierskiej
Potential of application of near-surface geophysics for floodbank technical condition assessment.A b s t r a c t. Catastrophic floodings caused by floodbank and dam failures draw attention to urgent need of modernization of these facilities in Poland. The task specified above requires precise and fast methods of technical condition assessment of existing facilities. Present method of assessment of the geotechnical parameters of flood embankments and its geological setting is limited to sampling and geotechnical probing in discrete intervals, which are too sparse to recognize zones of weakening or unfavourable geologic conditions that might constitute critical zones for floodbank stability. This paper presents results and conclusions ofexperimental survey concluded in 2014 attempting to apply near-surface geophysical methods to floodbank condition assessment. In author's opinion, three techniques applied yielded most reliable results. Moreover the methods – electric resistivity tomography; seismic refraction tomography and multichannel analysis of surface waves can be optimised for utilisation for fast surveys on floodbanks. Authors give attention to results of above mentioned three geophysical methods and only briefly discuss the applicability of other near-surface geophysical methods for issues concerning floodbank technical condition.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia