Metody statystyczne stosowane do wyznaczania parametrów geotechnicznych


  • Bartłomiej Olek
  • Henryk Woźniak
  • Jacek Stanisz


Statistical methods used for determining geotechnical parameters.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the methods of determining values of characteristic parameter. Geotechnical design is based largely on decision making under uncertainty. Currently, the biggest problem is the correct choice a save value of the parameter. In many cases, the EC7 does not specify strict form of calculation, but indicates what criteria should be checked computationally. The selection of characteristic value of geotechnicalparameter is the most accurate when the statistical methods are used. This approach has proved successful in the European practice, and has been implemented for a unified standard. The choice of the appropriate method of calculation depends on many factors such as the amount of test data, statistical knowledge of the parameter or additional data from the previous research. After analyzing the available methods for estimating the value of the characteristic parameters it can be stated that the correct prediction will depend on the particular situation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia