Wpływ współczesnych ruchów pionowych podłoża na niestabilność infrastruktury budowlano-drogowej
Influence of contemporary vertical movements of the ground's surface on the instability of the civil engineering infrastructure.A b s t r a c t. The author presents the results of the engineering-geological research carried out along ofthe Potulicka St. and Bohaterów Warszawy Ave. in Szczecin. The analysis relates to geological drillings and made soundings carried out using an SL and ZW. Additionally, author presents use of high resolution seismic research as example to recognize the influence of the present-day vertical movements the ground surface, which have a significant effect on the instability of many parts of the existing technical infrastructure. Seismic high-resolution research carried out by the aid of apparatus CS-5G-1, where the reflection method was used. In the field research, used range Z = 50 ms, allowing the penetration of seismic waves in the Quaternary deposits to a depth of 40 m below terraine level. Author presents example of seismic research in the area of flood embankments of the Chemical Plants in Police (Western Pomerania), which show the existence of present-day vertical movements of the ground surface and which of similar size and in thesame way can have a real impact in many areas on the instability of the existing civil engineering infrastructure, and can contribute to serious accidents or even disasters. As shown of the engineering-geological research in the area of Potulicka Street and Bohaterów Warszawy Avenue in Szczecin and seismic investigations, contemporary vertical movements in the Western Pomerania have different average rate of displacement of geological layers from 5–10 mm / year.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia