Zastosowanie geologiczno-inżynierskiego modelowania 3D do oceny geotechnicznych warunków posadowienia inwestycji realizowanej z zastosowaniem ścian szczelinowych
Implementation of engineering geology 3D modeling to assess geotechnical foundations requirements of the investment executed in diaphragm wall.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents use of 3D technology in geotechnical conditions assessment for underground investment in Warsaw. Research were done after a failure during ground works. Difficulties in engineering works were caused by complex ground conditions on site and tall buildings in surroundings. The paper presents stages of 3D model creation as well as its assumptions and results. There were used 3D Analyst tools by ESRI with “kriging” interpolation method. Possible failure reason pointed out by the authors was the wrong depth of diaphragm walls foundation, what was highlighted in 3D analyses and views.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia