Wpływ chlorków sodu i wapnia na pęcznienie iłów mioceńsko-plioceńskich z Warszawy
The effect of sodium chloride and calcium chloride on the swelling of Miocene-Pliocene clay from Warsaw.A b s t r a c t: The article presents an assessment of the impact of the salt used in road construction on the swelling of Mio-Pliocene clays. The tests were performed on the clay samples taken from the Warsaw area. Different concentrations of sodium chloride and calcium chloride were used. A relatively high swelling values were determined, higher for clays diffused with calcium chloride than samples with sodium chloride and samples with deionized water. The swelling increases with the increase of salt concentration up to 5%. The swelling decreases with the salt concentrations higher than 5%.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia