Możliwości wykorzystania bazy danych PPW-WJ i PPW-WH w geologii inżynierskiej


  • Marta Chada
  • Krzysztof Majer
  • Adam Roguski


Possibility of the application database information FA-VQ and FA-EH for purposes engineering geology.Ab s t r a c t. GISHMP1:50 000 information layers of “first aquifer – vulnerability and quality" (FA-VQ) and "first aquifer – extent and hydrodynamics” (FA-EH) include selected elements of the first aquifer hydrogeologicaldescription. Scope of these databases may serve in geological research. These include engineering geology, for which target research area is determining soil hydrogeological conditions for infrastructure bedding purposes,spatial planning or remediation of contaminated areas.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia