Konsolidacja gruntów organicznych przy wykorzystaniu drenażu pionowego w kontekście bezwymiarowego czynnika czasu konsolidacji na przykładzie inwestycji drogowej
Vertical drains as accelerating organic soils consolidation method in the context of the dimensionless time factor on the example of road realization.A b s t r a c t. One of the oldest method of soil improvement is consolidation method. For analysis of settlements it is important to take correctly vertical consolidation coefficient as well as horizontal especially in organic, anisotropic soils. Large variations of filtering organic soils characteristic is depended on direction what is very problematic in estimating representative value. In this article there was shown a comparison between Barron's and Hansbo's model results with settlements measured on the example of road realization in the context of horizontal consolidation coefficient and dimensionless time factor.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia