Polowe pomiary odkształcalności fliszowych masywów skalnych
Field measurements of the flysh rock mass deformability.A b s t r a c t. Field deformability measurement for the purpose of hydrotechnical building were performed atthe Flysch Carpathian area. Locating of such objects requires the deformability of bedrock to be estimated on an object scale, with regard to its size as well its influence on the bedrock. Measurement were realized with the use static and dynamic methods, for various surface and load time. Measurement methods for bedrock deformability assessment on object scale were discussed. Results of big-scale static surveys were positively verified by measurement of bedrock deformability of existing objects. Geophysical classification index KFG was pointed to be used for geophysical bedrock deformability evaluation.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia