Zasięg obszarów objętych osuwiskami w Górach Kamiennych (Sudety Środkowe) – porównanie map geologicznych i cyfrowego modelu wysokości z danych LiDAR


  • Piotr Migoń
  • Kacper Jancewicz
  • Marek Kasprzak1


The extent of landslide-affected areas in the Kamienne Mountains (Middle Sudetes) – a comparison of geological maps and a LiDAR based digital elevation model.A b s t r a c t. The east-central part of the Kamienne Mountains in the Sudetes has long been known as an area where landslides occur in abundance. Their extent was shown on first detailed geological maps from theearly 20th century and later on Polish geological maps published in the 1970 and 1990. The total landslide area mapped was about 100 ha. The availability of LiDAR data allowed to build digital elevation models of very high resolution and to attempt landslide mapping using diagnostic landform assemblages as guidelines. 30 separate landslides have been mapped, including complex landslide areas involving overlapping landslide bodies of likely different origin. The total landslide area is at least 300 ha, while the largest complexes cover 40–50 ha. LiDAR-based models proved extremely useful in landslide mapping, especially in forested areas.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia