ARTYKUŁY GEOTURYSTYCZNE Relikty górnictwa i hutnictwa rejonu złoża Miedzianka-Ciechanowice jako obiekty geoturystyczne
Mining and metallurgy relicts in the Miedzianka-Ciechanowice area, as geotourist objects.A b s t r a c t. The historical deposit of polymetallic ore in Miedzianka-Ciechanowice is located in the Rudawy Janowickie Mts. This deposit includes lens-forming contact-metasomatic ores and hydrothermal veins related to the Karkonosze granite. The ore assemblages are abundant in Cu, and more rarely in Pb, Ag, As, Fe, and others elements, were mined in Miedzianka-Ciechanowice from the early Middle Ages to the mid 20th century. Thispaper presents descriptions the selected objects of mining and smelting activity in the Miedzianka-Ciechanowice area. Old dumps, adits, shafts and ruins of copper smelter are a unique assemble of relicts related to the development of the local mining. The authors propose to create a geotourist route in this area.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia