ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Rola modelowania strukturalno-parametrycznego w procesie typowania potencjalnej lokalizacji zamkniętych systemów geotermicznych w skałach osadowych


  • Anna Sowiżdżał
  • Bartosz Papiernik
  • Grzegorz Machowski


The role of structural and parametricmodelling in the process of selecting Enhanced Geothermal System location in sedimentary rocks.A b s t r a c t. In the years 2010–2013, analysis of rocks that build the sedimentary covers in Poland was carried out from the point of view of utilization of energy accumulated in closed geothermal systems – so-called Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). Preliminary assessment of available digital cartographic data in terms of variability in the structural setting, thickness, and geothermal and reservoir parameters allowed selecting, for detailed studies, an area situated in central Poland in the Kujawy segment of the Mid-Polish Anticlinorium, in the Mogilno-Łódź Trough and in the northern margin of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. A complex structural- parametric model was constructed for this area, which comprised the interval from the base of the Carboniferous up to the base of the Cenozoic. The model was a basis for further modelling (e.g. others, modelling of the electric and thermal energy production potential). The study results indicate that the most favourable conditions for the development of EGS occur in the Lower and Middle Buntsandstein deposits to the NE of the Kłodawa salt diapir (in the Krośniewice–Kutno vicinity). They are buried to depths greater than 5000 m b.s.l., their thicknesses exceed 1000 m and they are characterised by porosity about 2.5%, permeability about 0.1 mD and mean density approximately 2.7 g/cm3.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia