Możliwości zagospodarowania nieczynnych wyrobisk górniczych na obszarze gminy Sitkówka-Nowiny w Górach Świętokrzyskich
Prospects for the development of various facilities in closed mining pits in the area of Sitkówka-Nowiny Commune in the Holy Cross Mts.A b s t r a c t. The article presents the possibilities of development of geotourist facilities in closed mining pits in the area of Sitkówka-Nowiny Commune in the Holy Cross Mts. The mining pits include historical ore and rock mining. Remains of the ore mining include both the surface and underground rests of old mine workings. They are located on the mounts of Wsiowa and Żakowa in the Zelejowskie Range, the mounts of Okrąglica, Miejska and Berberysówka in the Bolechowickie Range, and Ołowianka Mount in the Zagórskie Range. Closed mining pits which are examples of rock mining include quarries in the area of the mounts of Wsiowa, Okrąglica, Ołowianka, Berberysówka, Mała Jaźwica and Trzuskawica in the area of Kowala. Areas of the highest geodiversity with good prospects for the development of tourist facilities were found and described during field research. These include the mounts of Wsiowa, Żakowa, Miejska, Okrąglica, Ołowianka, Berberysówka, Mała Jaźwica and Trzuskawica.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia