Model przestrzenny struktury solnej Inowrocław a wizualizacja przemieszczeń powierzchni terenu zarejestrowanych na podstawie badań interferometrycznych
Application of the spatial model of the Inowroc³aw salt structure for clarification and visualization of surface movements registered by interferometric investigation.A b s t r a c t. The Inowroc³aw salt dome can be considered one of the model structures in the Polish Lowlands. Salt structures formed as the result of halotectonic and halokinetic action. The Permian salt was squeezed upwards from deep geological levels due to the overburden load, using fractured zones and faults. The salt dome is presented as a dynamic three-dimensional geological model developed using advanced technology to create and visualize 3D spatial data. Thanks to the relationship between the dynamics of the land surface and natural geological processes , the results and conclusions can be quickly drawn. For this purpose, average values of displacements in mm per year, obtained by Satellite Radar Interferometry – Persistent Scatterers (PS) for the time span 1992–2006, are presented in the form of interpolation, creating a surface of ground movement (subsidence and uplift) above the Inowroc³aw salt dome.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia