Cechy rzeźby strukturalnej Gór Świętokrzyskich oraz południowo-wschodniej części Niecki Nidziańskiej


  • Jan Urban


Features of structural morphology of the Holy Cross Mountains and the south-eastern part of the Nida Basin.A b s t r a c t. The central (Paleozoic) and the south-western (Permian-Mesozoic) parts of the Holy Cross Mts.region are areas of typical structural morphology controlled by fold-type tectonic structure and lithology. In thenorthern (Mesozoic) marginal part of the region structural arrangement of main relief elements is not so clear due to the block-type tectonics, however, some morphological features, such as the valley network, elongation of glacial, kame-type landforms and orientation of rock cliffs are related to joint system. The general relief elements of part of the Nida Basin region adjoining the Holy Cross Mts. are of noeotectonic origin, while the subordinate landforms represent typical structural morphology. The role of recent tectonic factor should be also taken into account in the Holy Cross Mts., however, the identification of tectonic influence on the current relief of this region is very difficult.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia