ARTYKU£Y GEOTURYSTYCZNE Inwentaryzacja geostanowisk w projektowanym Geoparku „Polodowcowa Kraina Drawy i Dębnicy”


  • Katarzyna Kamieńska
  • Aleksandra Giemza


Inventory of geosites for the proposed geopark Post-Glacial Land of the Drawa and Dębnica.A b s t r a c t. The idea of establishing the Post-Glacial Land of the Drawa and Dębnica Geopark emerged on the initiative of the members of Polish Geological Institute – Pomeranian Branch of the National Research Institute and local authorities. At the beginning of the year 2011, commissioned by the Minister of the Environment by the funds of the NFEP&WM, launched works intending to establishment of the Geopark of the Post-Glacial Land of Drawa and Dębnica. The major intention of the concept was researching and demonstrating the 50 geosites covering the Post-Glacial Land and their integration into a consistent network, establishing fundaments of the geopark. The geopark consists of the lands between Połczyn-Zdrój, Barwice and Czaplinek and is positioned in the eastern part of the Zachodniopomorskie voivodenship. The geopark is located inside the early post-glacial landscape, with dominant form of undulant moraine uplands with: terminal moraines, dead icemoraines, kemes, tunel valleys, ice-marginal valleys, kettle holes and sandurs. The geotouristic potential of the region focuses on the early postglacial landscape, and its biggest beauty the shape of the terrain.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia