Formalno-prawne aspekty dotyczące zasobów wód podziemnych będące w kompetencji administracji geologicznej szczebla powiatowego i wojewódzkiego


  • Piotr Herbich
  • Józef Mikołajków
  • Elżbieta Przytuła
  • Małgorzata Woźnicka


Selected issues of hydrogeological scope in the work of district and provincial geologist.A b s t r a c t: Hydrogeological problems are present in the district and provincial geologists' activity. Theirtaking into account is obligatory by the acts of law. The subject matter of the groundwater comes up in case of groundwater intakes (exploitation resources, geological works projects, groundwater withdrawal licenses) as well as in land use and industrial investments activity. In the current activity of the central and local government offices the essential is the access to the water management data which determines the effective process of issuing the licenses, decisions and agreements.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia