Problematyka osuwiskowa w działalności służby geologicznej i administracji publicznej


  • Paweł Marciniec
  • Izabela Laskowicz
  • Ziemowit Zimnal
  • Dariusz Grabowski
  • Wojciech Rączkowski


The issues of landslides in the activities of the Geological Survey and public administration units.A b s t r a c t. The development of landslides in southern Poland caused financial and public substantial losses at the turn of centuries. It became an impulse for developing of the counteraction standardized system against harmful effects of mass movements. A reconstruction of destroyed objects was the first step after every landslide event. The issue of mass movements turned up at the Polish legislation after 2000. Landslides were regarded as act of natural processes, while numerous reactivating of the landslides were regarded as state of natural disasters. An obligation of taking landslides into account in the land-use planning was established. An obligation of monitoring and registering of landslides was imposed also on self-government units. At the same time assumptions of the Landslide Counteracting System (LCS; SOPO in Polish) project were developed. The aim of the Project is to collect and archiving in a standardized format results of investigations of the landslide.Within the frame of the LCS project on seventy five percent of the Carpathian area landslide inventory has been made, while still sixty landslides are currently monitored. Results of the work are archived in on-line available LCS database. The detailed data about landslines is accessible to the local authorities. This data is a primary source of information essential for raising fouds needed for stabilization, restoration and shifting of the destroyed public infrastructure. This data is also a tool for keping the spatial sustainable policy on the local level.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia