Współdziałanie organów nadzoru górniczego i organów administracji szczebla powiatowego w zakresie rekultywacji terenów po działalności górniczej


  • Lidia Król


The cooperation of mining supervision authorities and district offices in the field of land reclamation after mining activities.A b s t r a c t. Land reclamation and use are planned, designed and implemented at all stages of industrial activity. The mining entrepreneur in each phase of their business (planning, operation and decommissioning) develop documentation containing elements of land reclamation. The documents are verified by various authorities, including mayors and directors of the regional mining authorities. In the field of land reclamationdecisions are issued and they are the result of interaction of these authorities. Proper cooperation depends on the quality of the developed and submitted documents. The result of this cooperation is the restoration by the entrepreneur the utility value of land devastated and degraded by mining activities.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia