Prawo geologiczne i górnicze z punktu widzenia geologa powiatowego


  • Andrzej Narwojsz


Geological and Mining Law from the point of view of a District (Poviat) Geologist.A b s t r a c t. The paper addresses the most important issues faced by geological administration units, in particular District (Poviat) Geologists, concerning the interpretation of the regulations of the Geological and Mining Law. Examples of loopholes in the law and ambiguities in the meaning of the provisions, particularly concerning the definition of the term “geological operations”, are indicated. The problem of vague legal basis for the tasks to be carried out by the geological administration units, and the consequences of this situation, is raised. The paper also refers to the problems reported in an article published in Geological Review in 2007.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia