Wybrane problemy wynikające ze stosowania przepisów ustawy Prawo geologiczne i górnicze z punktu widzenia geologa wojewódzkiego


  • Teresa Jasiak-Taraziewicz
  • Waldemar Kaźmierczak


Practical problems arising from application of Geological and Mining Law from provincial geologist's point of view.A b s t r a c t. The publication deals with issues related to the functioning of the provincial geological administration. There appear mainly problems deriving from the controversial regulations of the Geological and Mining Law, namely: quantifying the amount of extracted minerals when establishing the rate of the maintenance, assessing the amount of the maintenance charge including the loss of the deposit, giving opinions and reaching agreements on documented mineral deposits and underground waters, determining the amount of the mining usufruct, clarifying definitions concerning violating the Geological and Mining Law.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia