Podstawowe problemy i potrzeby edukacyjne administracji geologicznej


  • Anita Starzycka
  • Maja Kowalska


Key educational needs of the geological administration.A b s t r a c t. The existing geological administration, established as part of administrative reform in 1999, is governed by a system of legislative acts. District and provincial government have been assigned a number of new powers and obligations, including geology-related tasks. District or provincial geologist must possess a very extensive knowledge covering, inter alia, reservoir and environmental engineering, hydrogeology, as well as legal aspects. Therefore, geological administration staff members are required to improve their knowledge on a continuous basis. Moreover, efficient experience sharing between those in charge of geological mattersat authorities of various levels is needed. The Polish Geological Institute – NRI launched the project headed “Support from National Geological Survey to the local government administration performing the tasks of geological administration” in 2014. This is the first meaningful training project targeted at those performing the tasks of district and provincial geologists. The key purpose of the project is to provide technical support to the geological administration by enabling geological staff members to participate in training events in order to enhance professional knowledge and skills in the area of broadly defined geology. Moreover, it is vital to enable direct contacts and opinion sharing between themselves, as well as with experts and staff members of the Polish Geological Survey and Polish Hydrogeological Survey. The existing status of knowledge held and educational needs of the target group had to be first identified in order to develop an optimaltraining curriculum for staff members of the geological administration. Considering the necessity to improve professional knowledge and skills of those in charge of geology in district and provincial authorities, regular training cycles are much needed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia