Rozpoznanie udziału wód podziemnych w odpływie ze zlewni rzecznej średniej wielkości


  • Damian Zięba
  • Tomasz Michalczyk
  • Dominika Bar-Michalczyk
  • Marcin Jaszczur
  • Anna Żurek
  • Przemysław Wachniew


Identification of groundwater contributions to streamflow in a medium size catchment.A b s t r a c t. Interactions between the groundwater and surface water affect the qualitative and quantitative status of water resources. Estimation of the fluxes and the associated loadings of contaminants exchanged between the aquifers and river reaches is an important but still not well recognized component of water resources management. Such estimates are available from the numerical models of flow and transport, however, coupling of the groundwater and surface water model domains is difficult. Calibration of the coupled modelsrelies on the knowledge of the exchanged water fluxes, hydraulic conductivities of riverbed sediments and of other parameters. Preliminary application methods allowing for identification and quantification of the groundwater – surface water exchange is presented for the Kocinka catchment in Southern Poland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia