Perspektywy i możliwości wykorzystania siarczkowych wód termalnych w rejonie Kazimierzy Wielkiej


  • Beata Wiktorowicz
  • Iwona Lipiec
  • Marcin Kos
  • Tomasz Młyńczak


The possibilities and prospects for the use of thermal waters in the Kazimierza Wielka region.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the possibilities and prospects for the use of thermal waters in the Kazimierza Wielka region. This region, is one of the most prospective areas of thermal waters in central part of Poland. The structure has an asymmetric structure, which comprises mesosoic sediments placed on the older rocks. The principal resources of the thermal waters are accumulated first of the all in the Cenomanian, where the temperature is from 21 to 35°C. All the waters studied have total dissolved solids TDS from 0.6 to 14 g/dm3 and belong to hydrogeochemical classes: HCO3–Na, Na–Cl. Thermal waters in may be used for the purpose of balneology, recreaction and heating.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia