Analiza trendów zmian składu chemicznego wód leczniczych z ujęcia B-13 w Busku-Zdroju z wykorzystaniem programu GWSDAT


  • Katarzyna Wątor
  • Ewa Kmiecik


Analysis of trends in chemical composition changes of curative water from B-13 intake (Busko-Zdrój region) with the use of GWSDAT software.A b s t r a c t. Curative water is the groundwater characterized by natural variation of physical and chemical parameters (Ustawa, 2011). Curative character valuation for natural resource (including curative water) should be made on the basis of documented investigations continuing at least three years (Rozporządzenie, 2006). Analysis of stability of chemical composition should also involve trend analysis. When trend is detected it could threaten the loss of the curative properties of water. In this paper authors present analysis of trends in chemical composition of therapeutic water from B-13 Anna intake (Busko-Zdrój region). The type of these water is chloridesodium, sulfide, iodide [Cl–Na, H2S, I]. The 33 results of chemical composition analysis were used in trend analysis. All these analysis were performed in years 1983–2012. Trend analysis was performed with use of GWSDAT software (Jones & Spence, 2013).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia