Występowanie bakterii siarkowych a jakość wód podziemnych ujęcia Osowa


  • Alina Wargin
  • Martyna Marchelek


Presence of sulphur bacteria and a quality of groundwater in water intake Osowa.A b s t r a c t. Microorganisms that live in groundwater should be considered not only from the sanitary-hygienic point of view but also in terms of adverse changes in groundwater chemistry in the aquifer layer and its negative influence on the installed devices. For these reasons, it is important to correct approach to the problem of bacterial contamination of groundwater. The paper presents selected results of physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of raw water and treated water (after building a water treatment plant). The aim of the study is evaluatoin of groundwater quality on water intake Osowa taking into account the presence of sulfur bacteria, as well as to determine the causes of the appearance of hydrogen sulfide smell in these waters.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia