Zagadnienie parametryzacji hydrogeologicznej regionalnych modeli ustalonego przepływu wód podziemnych


  • Lech Śmietański
  • Sławomir Filar
  • Grzegorz Olesiuk
  • Agnieszka Piasecka
  • Aneta Tokarska


A problem of the hydrogeological parametrization of the regional steady-state groundwater flow models.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents two already used in practice ways of the hydrogeological parametrization of the regional groundwater flow models. One way is the use of the hydraulic transmissivity resulting in the construction of the authors called “T” models for use in the groundwater resources quantitative assessments. The second way is the use of the hydraulic conductivity k to construct what the authors call the “k” models used for the evaluation of the Main Groundwater Reservoirs protection zones. The authors also present their attitude to the randomization of the hydrogeological parameters.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia