Wpływ wybranych torfowisk na kształtowanie składu chemicznego płytkich wód podziemnych Drawieńskiego Parku Narodowego


  • Karolina Ścibior
  • Paweł Rydelek
  • Marcin Stępień


Influence of selected peat bogs Drawa National Park on the formation of the chemical composition of shallow groundwater.A b s t r a c t. This article attempts to determine the impact of peatlands on the chemical composition and selected parameters of shallow groundwater in Drawa National Park. Three peat bogs were selected for testing: Miradz, Wydrowe Łęgi and Głodne Jeziorka. They differ from each other in terms of origins, botanical composition and properties of peat. 55 samples of organic soils (including 41 peat samples) and 17 groundwater samples were collected. The samples came from layers of peat bogs and peatlands situated directly beneath and in the immediate vicinity. During the laboratory tests are shown in the basic physicochemical parameters of the peat: ash content (AC), cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH, moisture. In addition, the data on SRT and their botanical composition marked in the course of fieldwork have been verified. Directly in the field pH, PEW and water temperatures were examined. In the groundwater samples were determined concentrations of ions HCO3, SO4, NO3, Cl, PO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Al, Si and other selected metals. The results showed that the peat bogs of different genesis in a different way influence the shaping of the chemical composition of shallow groundwater. Especially significant differences indicate if compared to the peat bog Miradz, Wydrowe Łęgi in opposition to Głodne Jeziorka. Groundwater from the Głodne Jeziorka and direct neighborhoods showed a much lower pH, conductivity and mineralization.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia