Rola zwietrzeliny w kształtowaniu chemizmu wód podziemnych zlewni fliszowej


  • Marzena Szostakiewicz-Hołownia
  • Jerzy J. Małecki


The role of weathered rock cover in the formation of groundwater chemistry of flysch catchment basin.A b s t r a c t. The chemistry of precipitation significantly alters while infiltrating through a layer of weathered rocks. The paper deals with the role of weathering mantle in shaping the chemistry of shallow groundwater in a flysch catchment basin. The analytical and modelling research show that weathering mantles also affect the formation of calcareous sinter. Based on the results of field studies, a hydrochemical model has been developed, which documents the transformation of chemical composition of groundwater. The rate of precipitating calcium carbonate is also determined. The test area covered the Suchy Stream catchment basin located within the southern flank of the Podhale basin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia