Ocena podatności na zagrożenia wód podziemnych metodą DRASTIC we wschodniej części Drawieńskiego Parku Narodowego


  • Ewelina Stańczak


Vulnerability assessment to contamination of groundwater of the eastern part of Drawa National Park by DRASTIC method.A b s t r a c t. In article shown question vulnerability to contamination, natural characteristic of groundwater, for the eastern part of Drawa National Park (DNP). To vulnerability assessment used usually known range DRASTIC method. Based on input data determined pixel size of map Δx = Δy = 50 m. The DRASTIC parameters were exactly checked. One of the most important recharging infiltration (162.5 mm/year), compared with result of hydrological method. It shown similar value and this data are reliable. By means of GIS analysis calculated the DRASTIC index. Visualization superficial distribution of classes of vulnerability is shown as map of groundwater vulnerability. The results indicate that more than 90% study area is located high vulnerability class.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia