Uwarunkowania oerodowiskowe rozwoju torfowisk na Polesiu Wołyńskim w obrębie Ukrainy


  • Tatiana Solovey


Environmental conditions development of peatbog in the Polesie Volyn within Ukraine.A b s t r a c t. An assessment of morphogenetic conditions and forming the hydrological regime of wetlands of the Volyn Polesie Ukraine were carried. Ukraine is the most swampy/wettest region of the country. At first some bogs within an area exceeding 1 ha were selected. Then the Author determined the importance of terrain form/shape and water supply conditions in the formation of the hydrological regime. The location of wetlands were characterized in reference to the shape of base/subsoil and its lithology. The typical structure of postlakes, paludification, riverine and spring-fed peatlands of Volyn Polesie were shown and their development were also discussed. According to the origin and water flow/supply four types of wetland were extracted: ombrogenous, topogenous, soligenous and fluviogenous. On the basis of water balance the role/part of groundwater supply of wetlands (ombrogenous, topogenous, soligenous and fluviogenous) was determined. It was found that the reasons of the high swampy areas (21%) in Volyn Polesie are the geological and geomorphological conditions retaining/stopping the runoff and also local groundwater circulation system.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia