Problematyka wyznaczania granic złóż wód leczniczych, termalnych i solanek


  • Jakub Sokołowski
  • Lesław Skrzypczyk
  • Agnieszka Malon


The issue of boundary determination of therapeutic waters, thermal waters and brines deposits.A b s t r a c t. Therapeutic waters, thermal waters and brines are considered as minerals and their exploitation is regulated by the act of geological and mining law on 9 June 2011 (Journal of Laws 2011 No 163, Item 981, as amended). It means that the term “deposit” is applicable for them. However, the specific of groundwaters is significantly different than of other minerals this is why determination of their boundaries brings many difficulties especially with regard to existing legal framework. The regulations do not take the renewability of groundwater resources and groundwater flow into account. In the article several issues connected with the lack of understandable rules referring to boundaries determination of brines, therapeutic and thermal waters were presented as well as some problems that occur due to various interpretation of the regulations. Some suggestions on the regulations changes were presented which may lead to solve the problem.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia