Rola obserwacji i pomiarów hydrogeologicznych w ocenie warunków geologiczno-inżynierskich podłoża w świetle wymagań Eurokodu 7


  • Marta Sokołowska
  • Edyta Majer
  • Monika Skrzeczkowska


The significance of hydrogeological observations in engineering-geological evaluation of the soil with regard to the requirements of Eurocode 7.A b s t r a c t. Before Eurocode 7 was implemented (a package of European standards connected with geotechnical design) hydrogeological observations were not very reliable as they were made in a borehole without casing during geotechnical drillings. Weak recognition was connected mainly with piezometric level of deeper aquifers, groundwater level fluctuations in time and permeability characteristic of the layer. The implementation of Eurocode 7 is a huge step towards the quality of hydrogeological observations in geotechnical design especially with regard to the safety of the object during construction and maintenance. In the article the main requirements of Eurocode 7 were presented as well as the possibilities of hydrogeological data acquisition from various databases and the examples of regional hydrogeological analyses for groundwater fluctuations prediction.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia