Programy prac i dokumentacje hydrogeologiczne ustalające zasoby dyspozycyjne wód podziemnych na potrzeby przeprowadzania bilansów wodnogospodarczych oraz opracowania warunków korzystania z wód regionu wodnego i zlewni – założenia metodyczne, stan realizacji przedsięwzięcia


  • Elżbieta Przytuła


Programs of works and hydrogeological documentations for the assessment of available groundwater resources to establish water management balance sheets and the rules of water utilization in water region and drainage basin – methodological assumptions and current state of development.A b s t r a c t. In 2013–2018, it is intended to implement a program to document available groundwater resources in the up-to-now undocumented 40 balance areas. The work will be carried out in two tranches and four stages; in each of these stages, 8–13 documentations will be made. A tranche is composed of two modes of work: short mode – preparation of hydrogeological documentations, and full mode – implementation of the program and preparation of hydrogeological documentations. The currently ongoing work, to document available groundwater resources, includes preparation of 19 documentations (9 documentations in the first stage, and 10 in the second stage). The Polish Geological Institute is the main executor and coordinator of this task.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia