Organizacja monitoringu badawczego i jego znaczenie dla oceny stanu jednolitych części wód podziemnych i programów służących osiągnięciu celów środowiskowych


  • Jan Prażak
  • Małgorzata Woźnicka


Organizing the groundwater monitoring and its significance for the assessment of groundwater body conditions and projects performed to achieve environmental objectives.A b s t r a c t. Groundwater research monitoring, organized and carried out by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey since 2009, has been aimed at providing details on the quantitative and chemical conditions of groundwater bodies (GB) in areas of large-scale impact of mining activities and urban-industrial agglomerations. It is intended to provide information on the analysis of pressions and actual impacts on groundwater to assess the condition of groundwater bodies and to develop action programmes to achieve environmental objectives. Currently, it already operates in eight areas of mining impact, and, in the nearest future, it will cover the Basznia sulphur mining area as well as seven urban-industrial agglomerations.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia