Hydrogeologia dla rolnictwa i wsi – wspomnienie dawnej organizacji i osiągnięć


  • Aleksander Piórek


Hydrogeology for rural areas – memoirs of a former organization and achievements.A b s t r a c t. Hydrogeological Company for Agriculture was established in 1957 and later was transformed into United Companies for Rural Water Supply WODROL. At that time rural areas were supplied in water directly from dug wells, natural springs and surface waters. The aim of the company was to drill wells and to build waterworks so as to supply inhabitants of rural areas and farms in water of good quality. There were 17 branches of the company located in Poland, with hydrogeological survey in every of them. The task ofhydrogeologists working there was identification of groundwater reservoirs, supervision over drilling wells, preparing reports. It is assessed that over 40 years of it's activity, the Company drilled around 25 000 wells with an average depth of 55 m. Thousands of waterworks were built, which affected greatly living conditions of rural population. This important activity was possible thanks to hydrogeologists, who played the main role in this action. Some of them devoted all their professional life to this important mission.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia