Zawartość trytu i skład izotopowy tlenu w płytkich wodach podziemnych w punktach badawczych krajowej sieci monitoringu


  • Zbigniew Nowicki
  • Paweł M. Leśniak
  • Andrzej Wilamowski


Tritium content and oxygen isotopic composition in shallow groundwater in observation points of the national monitoring network.A b s t r a c t: The points of the national network of groundwater monitoring comprise a stable benchmarks in quality and quantity monitoring. The obtained data (tritium and δ18O) are important for understanding the groundwater cycling and are indirect indicators of aquifer vulnerability to anthropogenic pollution. The goal of this paper is to present the relation of the tritium content and delta value of stable isotopes of oxygen against the groundwater sampling depth in 2004–2012. It is demonstrated that the remains of “nuclear” tritium concentration is still present in groundwater as a tritium peak at depths around 30 m. Determination of dynamics of recharge in groundwater bodies, based on national network observation points is associated to the estimation of the groundwater residence time in aquifers and remains one the vital problem of hydrogeology.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia