Metody analityczne stosowane w ocenie odporności systemów hydrogeologicznych na zanieczyszczenia antropogeniczne


  • Joanna Najman
  • Tomasz Kotowski
  • Jarosław Bielewski
  • Ireneusz Śliwka1


The analytical methods used in examining resistance of hydrogeological systems to anthropogenic pollution.A b s t r a c t. In this study the method for evaluating resistance hydrogeological systems to anthropogenic pollution using environmental tracers is described. Resistance of groundwater systems to anthropogenic pollution is correlated with the age of water, which can be determined by means of environmental tracers. The paper presents modified chromatographic measurement system which allow for the determination of CFC-11, CFC-12, SF6, Ne, Ar and He. Developed chromatographic system can be used to dating young groundwaters, and the helium method allows for the determination of groundwater age in the range from Holocene to the last interglacial. The developed measurement system of argon and neon in water allows to determine recharge temperature and the amount of "excess air" in groundwater. During the work implementation authors took part in a research project organized by the Université Paris-Sud and Université Rennes, France: Gdat1 intercomparison exercice. This exercise aimed to sampling groundwater from boreholes from the area of Paris (along with 31 laboratories from 14 countries) and test, upon them, developed at IFJ PAN analytical methods measuring CFCs, SF6 and noble gases in groundwater.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia