Prezentacja danych hydrogeologicznych na portalu e-psh – stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju


  • Grzegorz Mordzonek
  • Dorota Węglarz


The presentation of the hydrogeological data on the e-psh portal – the recent stage and the perspectives.A b s t r a c t. Many spatial databases storing the information on the occurrence and characteristics of the groundwaters were created in the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute within the framework of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey. The information stored in these databases is shown by the e-psh internet portal. The portal was created in 2009 in the GeoMedia® SDI environment. The portal enables display of the data published in the form of the geoinformation services in different configurations. The newest version of the e-psh portal presents selected information from many hydrogeological databases like the Hydrogeological Map of Poland, Groundwater Main Reservoirs, Groundwater Bodies and Central Data Base of the Hydrogeological Data. It is planned to continue with the further development and update of the portal by adding new information layers.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia