Modernizacja bazy danych GIS „Zasoby dyspozycyjne wód podziemnych” – założenia metodyczne, aktualny stan realizacji


  • Grzegorz Mordzonek
  • Elżbieta Przytuła


Modernization of the GIS database of the available groundwater resources – methodological assumptions and current state of development.A b s t r a c t. A nationwide research program, which includes hydrogeological documenting of available groundwater resources in areas previously undocumented, is being currently implemented at the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute at the request of the National Water Management Authority. One of the program’s tasks is modernization (update) of the GIS database maintained by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey (PHS) since 2008. The article presents the current status of work on the modernization of the database of available groundwater resources. This database will be the primary and reference material for the use of the results of information on groundwater disposable resources for the implementation of standard procedures, UE reports and other multidisciplinary studies, including preparation of the water management balance sheets and the rules of water utilization in water region and drainage basin. The Polish Geological Institute is the main executor and coordinator of this task.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia