Analiza możliwości wykorzystania wód podziemnych na potrzeby eksploatacji gazu z formacji łupkowych na obszarze objętym pracami poszukiwawczo-rozpoznawczymi


  • Józef Mikołajków
  • Magdalena Nidental
  • Małgorzata Woźnicka


Analysis of the possibility of using groundwater for the gas exploitation from shale formations in the area covered by the exploration work.A b s t r a c t: Exploitation of unconventional gas requires the use of hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells’ network, which allows the penetration of deposits over a large area. Despite the research to find innovative solutions, presently hydraulic fracturing is carried out using a fracturing fluid prepared on basis of water. The use of hydraulic fracturing on exploitation’s scale of unconventional gas (several horizontal wells at a single location) requires ensuring access to a large amount of water in a relatively short period of time. Analysis of possibilities of using of groundwater in areas of exploration and exploratory work is necessary at an early stage investment planning and should be one of the key factors determining the possibility of exploitation in the area. In this paper was carried out a variant analysis of the availability of groundwater resources in terms of their use for the purpose of exploitation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia