Złoty Stok – niedoszłe uzdrowisko sudeckie z wodami arsenowymi


  • Agata Mickiewicz
  • Henryk Marszałek
  • Wojciech Ciężkowski
  • Elżbieta Szumska


Złoty Stok – an attempted Sudetic health resort with arsenical waters.A b s t r a c t. Złoty Stok, located in the Eastern Sudetes, deserves the particular attention considering its long and interesting mining history and occurence of distinct groundwaters containing elevated concentration of arsenic. Based on the waters drained from so-called „arsenic-iron spring” the plans of new Sudetic health resort foundation were developed in the beginning of 20th Century. Unfortunately, according to recent legal regulations considering arsenic as highly toxic and carcinogenic, the whole idea was dispelled, and the arsenic-iron spring showed up to be the ordinary outflow from one of the mine adits. The article presents the results of recent and former chemical analyses of water from above-mentioned outflow as well as the results of exploration works carried out at this point.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia