Analiza możliwości wykorzystania wód podziemnych z utworów czwartorzędowych w systemach geotermii niskotemperaturowej na obszarze Małopolski. Część I


  • Justyna Mazurkiewicz
  • Ewa Kmiecik
  • Barbara Tomaszewska


Analysis of the possibility to use the quaternary groundwater in the low-temperature geothermal systems in Małopolska. Part I.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the possibilities of utilization of Quaternary groundwater in low-temperature geothermal systems in Małopolska. Water as a heat source must fulfill the relevant requirements for physicochemical parameters. In this paper, physicochemical parameters of water used in low temperature systems: pH, electrical conductivity, chloride, sulphate, oxygen, iron and manganese have been evaluated. Data for this study were obtained from the Polish Hydrogeological Survey (PSH is carried out by the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute). The analysis showed that Małopolska has potential to use Quaternary groundwater in low temperature systems.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia