Chemizm wód źródeł w zlewni Markowego Potoku, Babiogórski Park Narodowy


  • Małgorzata Malata
  • Jacek Motyka


Chemical properties of springwater in the Marków Potok catchment, Babiogórski National Park.A b s t r a c t. The purpose of this paper is to describe the variability of the chemical characteristics of springwater in the Marków Potok catchment. Five springs were selected for research purposes. The research was performed in spring and summer 2013 and 2014. Ca was found as the most common cation, HCO3 was the most common anion and NO3 was dominated in the biogenic compounds in the analysed springwater. Comparing the period of spring and summer the highest values of most of the chemical characteristics of water occurred in the summer, the lowest in the spring. It was found that chemical properies of water springs were shaped by the diverse geological structure of the catchment area, climatic conditions, the process of dilution and the biological activity of the basin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia